Thursday, March 03, 2005

Further thoughts on Left Coast Crime

A few random thoughts on the Left Coast Crime conference that bubbled up through the haze over the past few days:
  • Putting on a conference like this must be a huge amount of work, but these folks did a great job.
  • I'm glad I visited El Paso, but hope I never return.
  • Free beer in the hospitality room is just plain cruel. Wonderful, but cruel.
  • Fried pickles actually are quite tasty.
  • Mexican food in the Southwest is so good that even the stuff served at a hotel banquet is better than most restaurants in the Northeast can manage. (One of the few things I miss about California is the food.)
  • When publishers describe your book as "transgressive," that's not a good thing. (Definition: "Of or relating to a genre of fiction, filmmaking, or art characterized by graphic depictions of behavior that violates socially acceptable norms, often involving violence, drug use, and sexual deviancy.")
  • I'm not the only guy at these things who is living off a woman with a much better job.
  • I missed Victor Gischler dancing, proof that not only does God exist, but He is a loving and merciful deity.
  • Crime writers seem to be an unnaturally tall bunch. I'm 6'2" and am only average at such a gathering.
  • If James Earl Jones ever retires, Gary Phillips can take over as America's Leading Black Man with a Cool Deep Voice.
  • Listening to an author read his/her work aloud can be an incredible experience. (I am still in awe of Jim Fusilli's performance.)
  • As a group, mystery writers are among the nicest people you'll ever meet; which, in a weird way, is almost a little scary.

I just realized that I could be writing Larry King's column. Move over, you old fart!